Pak-Its Gauze Packing Strips, 1" x 5 yds (Iodoform).

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Pak-Its Gauze Packing Strips, 1" x 5 yds (Iodoform).

Image Of Pak-Its Gauze Packing Strips, 1" x 5 yds (Iodoform).

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Derma Sciences

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Product Details

Non-Adhesive, Sterile, Latex-free

These sterile plain and iodoform gauze strips can be used dry to absorb drainage in exudating wounds or soaked with a medication of choice. Pre-cut sizes suit different wound types. Using Pak-Its® can save time and money. A secondary dressing is needed to hold the strips in place and to protect the wound from outside contaminants. Strips come 5 yards per bottle and are available in multiple widths. The bottle has a special patent-pending strip delivery system that ensures packing material is kept clean, tangle free, with the end always easy to locate at the top of the bottle.