Rusch | 318118 | PureGold Coude 2-Way Foley Catheter 18 Fr 5 Cc

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Rusch 318118 pureGold Coude 2-Way Foley Catheter 18 Fr 5 cc

Image Of pureGold Coude 2-Way Foley Catheter 18 Fr 5 cc

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Product Details

Rusch Brand Foley Catheters Supplies, Reorder Code 318118

Teleflex Medical Inc pureGold™ Coudé Tip 2-Way Foley Catheter 18Fr 16" L, 5cc Balloon Capacity, PTFE Coated, Red

Teleflex/Rüsch® pure Gold™ PTFE Coated Latex 2-Way has one eye and a Coudé/Tiemann tip. It has a 5 cc balloon, is 40 cm (16") L and is color coded. It is sterile for single-use. When you want a standard, latex Foley catheter, Teleflex/Rüsch® pureGold™ is the answer. They are Gold™ in color for Teleflex/Rüsch® brand identity and offer a standard PTFE coating.