Pdi Inc. | B40600 | PVP Iodine Prep Pad, Medium, 1-1/5" X 2-3/5"

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Pdi inc. B40600 PVP Iodine Prep Pad, Medium, 1-1/5" x 2-3/5"

Image Of PVP Iodine Prep Pad, Medium, 1-1/5" x 2-3/5"

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Product Details

Pdi inc. Brand Self Care Supplies, Reorder Code B40600

PDI PVP Iodine Prep Pad Medium, 1-1/5" x 2-3/5" Non-Irritating, Non-Stinging

PDI Povidone-Iodine provides longer germicidal activity than ordinary Iodine solution and is nonirritating and virtually non-stinging for better patient comfort. Perfect for venipuncture, I.V. starts, kidney dialysis, pre-op prep, and other minor invasive procedures. Prep Pads saturated with a 10% USP Povidone-Iodine prep solution (equivalent to 1% available Iodine) to provide proven antisepsis.