Moog | PCK4001 | Backpack For Both EnteraLite INFINITY Pump Black, 17" H X 8" W X 4" D, Can Accommodate Either 500 Ml Or 1200 Ml Delivery Sets

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Home > Backpack For Both EnteraLite INFINITY Pump Black, 17" H x 8" W x 4" D, Can Accommodate Either 500 ml or 1200 ml Delivery Sets

Moog PCK4001 Backpack For Both EnteraLite INFINITY Pump Black, 17" H x 8" W x 4" D, Can Accommodate Either 500 ml or 1200 ml Delivery Sets

Image Of Backpack For Both EnteraLite INFINITY Pump Black, 17" H x 8" W x 4" D, Can Accommodate Either 500 ml or 1200 ml Delivery Sets

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Product Details

Moog Brand Enteral Supplies, Reorder Code PCK4001

Moog Backpack For Both EnteraLite INFINITY Pump Black, 17" H x 8" W x 4" D, Can Accommodate Either 500 ml or 1200 ml Delivery Sets

This larger, adult-sized pack can hold either the EnteraLite Infinity or EnteraLite enteral feeding pump with either a 500ml or 1200ml feeding bag. Also included in this pack is a pocket that may be used to hold an ice pack.

It is used with both enteralite infinity and enteralite enteral feeding pumps.
Can accommodate either 500ml or 1200ml delivery sets.