Covidien/Kendall | 1612 | Curity Ultramer 12 Fr 5 Cc Foley Catheter, Each

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Covidien/Kendall 1612 Curity Ultramer 12 Fr 5 Cc Foley Catheter, Each

Image Of Curity Ultramer 12 Fr 5 Cc Foley Catheter, Each

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Product Details

Covidien/Kendall Brand Foley Catheters Supplies, Reorder Code 1612

ULTRAMER(tm) Foley Catheter (Latex), 2-Way
Features a hydrophilic coating to provide superior lubricity and increased biocompatibility
Maintains lubricity by absorbing mucosal fluid, providing easy insertion and removal with enhanced patient protection
5 cc
12 fr, 16.5? L