Coloplast | 18652 | SenSura Mio Flex Two-Piece Drainage Pouch, High Output, Soft Outlet, 1080mL Capacity, Opaque With Inspection Window, Red Coupling

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Home > SenSura Mio Flex Two-Piece Drainage Pouch, High Output, Soft outlet, 1080mL Capacity, Opaque with Inspection Window, Red Coupling

Coloplast 18652 SenSura Mio Flex Two-Piece Drainage Pouch, High Output, Soft outlet, 1080mL Capacity, Opaque with Inspection Window, Red Coupling

Image Of SenSura Mio Flex Two-Piece Drainage Pouch, High Output, Soft outlet, 1080mL Capacity, Opaque with Inspection Window, Red Coupling

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Product Details

Coloplast Brand Drainable Pouches Supplies, Reorder Code 18652

SenSura Mio Flex high output combines the unique SenSura® Mio elastic barrier with a two-piece pouch designed to accommodate the need for extra capacity.

  • Filter; Pouch offers a high-volume solution for post-operative use and for people with an ileostomy.
  • Effective drainage through a drainable outlet.
  • Elastic barrier fits individual body shape and follows natural body movements.
  • Neutral-gray, water repellent textile for discretion under clothing and an honest look.
  • Full-circle filter for proven reduction of ballooning.
  • Flex coupling assuring easy application and flexible feel.
  • Adaptive convex with integrated flexline for a unique combination of stability and flexibility.