Becton Dickinson | 381423 | Insyte Autoguard Shielded IV Catheter 22G X 1"

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Becton Dickinson 381423 Insyte Autoguard Shielded IV Catheter 22G x 1"

Image Of Insyte Autoguard Shielded IV Catheter 22G x 1"

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Product Details

Becton Dickinson Brand Infusion Supplies, Reorder Code 381423

Sterile, Latex-Free 

With the push of a button, the needle instantly retracts, reducing the risk of accidental needlestick injuries. BD Vialon™, a unique proprietary biomaterial, has been proven to enhance clinical and economic outcomes. Notched needle technology provides rapid visualization of blood return along the catheter shaft. It is an excellent choice for fragile vessels or vessels that have lost venous tone.

  • Increases the ease of penetration.
  • Reduces the risks of infiltration.
  • Exhibits greater kink resistance.
  • Reduces the risks of phlebitis up to 50%.
  • Reduces IV restarts due to reduced complications.