Bard | 0119L18 | LUBRICATH Continuous Irrigation 3-Way Foley Catheter 18 Fr 5 Cc

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Bard 0119L18 LUBRICATH Continuous Irrigation 3-Way Foley Catheter 18 Fr 5 cc

Image Of LUBRICATH Continuous Irrigation 3-Way Foley Catheter 18 Fr 5 cc

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Product Details

Bard Brand Foley Catheters Supplies, Reorder Code 0119L18

Type: Continuous Irrigation 3-Way Foley

Tip: Coude

Lubrication: Yes - Hydrogel Coated

Material: Latex

Size: 18Fr

Balloon Capacity: 5cc

Used for drainage after bladder or upper urinary tract surgeries to add continuous irrigation capabilities. Continuous irrigation catheters are used to help remove tissue chips, blood clots and other debris from the bladder after surgery. Medications, such as antibiotic agents, can be introduced via a continuous drip method. If irrigation is discontinued, the irrigation lumen may be closed with a clamp or catheter plug.

  • Hydrogel coating maintain its integrity throughout the course of use, resulting in less trauma upon removal.