Bard | 0103SI18 | BARDEX Infection Control Tiemann 2-Way Specialty Foley Catheter 18 Fr 30 Cc

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Bard 0103SI18 BARDEX Infection Control Tiemann 2-Way Specialty Foley Catheter 18 Fr 30 cc

Image Of BARDEX Infection Control Tiemann 2-Way Specialty Foley Catheter 18 Fr 30 cc

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Product Details

Bard Brand Foley Catheters Supplies, Reorder Code 0103SI18

Type: 2-Way Infection Control Tiemann Foley

Tip: Olive Coude

Lubrication: Yes - Silver Hydrogel Coated

Material: Latex

Size: 18Fr

Balloon Capacity: 30cc

The Bardex® I.C., anti-infective, latex Foley catheter is clinically proven to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Incorporating a technologically advanced formulation consisting of Bacti-Guard® silver alloy coating and Bard® hydrogel, the Bardex® I.C. Foley catheter dramatically reduces bacterial adherence and minimizes biofilm formation. With Bacti-Guard® silver alloy coating and Bard® hydrogel.

  • Reduces bacterial adherence.
  • Minimizes biofilm formation.
  • Inhibits migration of pathogens into the bladder.
  • Preserves the integrity of the urethral mucosa.
  • Clinically proven to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
  • Available in a full line of Foley catheters including 2-way, 3-way, pediatric, and specialty Foley catheters.